Showing all 4 results
Level sensor VV Serie for sumps or open tank
Perfect for difficult conditions such as dairies sump, chemical or sugar plants. 100% stainless steel including the cable. Power 24VDC Output 4-20mA [video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://www.milktronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/1507940147251-drlcss.mp4"][/video] -
Metrohm 7010 TOC
Reliable online TOC measurements
The 7010 TOC Analyser is designed for simple and reliable operation
On pipe waste water Turbidity management
Easy to install, Very robust, Online turbidity meter for waste water. Divert flow when turbidity is too high! 24VDC input and 4-20mA output -
Turbidity pH refract measurement combo
Turbidity and pH combo spool piece. Perfect solution for waste water management. Plug and play.